Hounds Handle 3A Ferris 3-1

The hounds arrived at the Valley Playfields. Their opponent for the day is Ferris High School, a 3A team from Spokane. Ferris beat Shadle Park; the Hounds had recently been to Seattle where they tied Sammamish and beat Lindbergh, the Hounds were in for a close game.

The Hounds started well, their possession demonstrated their strong training. However, as the 1st half went on Ferris began to gain momentum and in the 24th minute forward Henry Finkle scored. The Hounds, however, refused to give up, and soon after in the 27th minute Captain Evan French was awarded a PK. PHS Midfielder Clarence Dollin was able to capitalize on the call, evening up the score. The rest of the half was a struggle for possession.

In the second half a yellow card was given to Ferris forward Carter Merritt in the 45th minute. Soon after, in the 57th minute, Clarence Dollin was given a PK and Ferris Midfielder Marcus Saba was given a yellow card. The PK was taken and scored by Evan French. The score was now 2-1. The game continued to challenge the hounds, and Pullman midfielder Kai Hirose was given a yellow card. Soon after in the 75th minute Clarence Dollin scored another goal bringing the score to 3-1. The game ended with a Hound Win.

Shots — Ferris 2, Pullman 9. Saves — Ferris, Hinson 6, Pullman, Oatley 1.

First half –1, Fer, Finkle (Lenihan) 24:00. 2, Pul, Dollin (PK) 27:00.
Second half — 3, Pul, French (PK) 57:00. 4, Pul, Dollin 79:00. 

Box Score